

Today, when my mom asked me how I felt, I said, "ugh." It seemed to be the only way I could express how my whole everything was feeling. All weekend I've had a constant stomach ache/headache/light-headedness. I hate that feeling when you know you have eat to keep from falling over but the idea of eating food makes you want to puke. Nice, right? Yeah...

Anyhoo, the past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. School has been ridiculously stressful, a close member of my family passed away, and a big chunk of my personal life completely fell away. I really need time to just sit and go through my mental file cabinet, sorting all this out and figuring out how to deal with it. Being able to just sit sounds good right now. I've been in constant movement lately. My family inherited the home of our family member that passed, so the past two weekends I have been out of town handling that situation. This weekend we basically painted her whole house in 1 1/2 days to get it ready to be put on the market. It was crazy!! It can get a little stressful with all that family in such a small space, paint flying everywhere, and stress levels shooting through the roof. Ugh.

I need help keeping myself together, and God has been with me a lot lately. Sometimes it's just hard to see Him. In a time when everything and everyone else is gone, I know He's there, but the pain is still very prominent. I must remember that He will carry me through.


Blogger amy said...

The One who knows the beginning and the end is in ultimate control, even if he chooses to let humanity act out of free will and lets the earth do its own thing. But that doesn’t change who God is. What you see and hear and experience doesn’t change who God is. He was, and is, and always will be sovereign. May you rest in that, and may that cause you to smile.

4/25/2005 8:15 AM  
Blogger Brandon White said...

Yea, what Amy said. Well said. Praying for you Katie!

4/25/2005 8:42 AM  

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