
three things

As we all know, my sister moved into a new house about a month ago. She and Jeff are pretty much doing a total renovation to their house, making it all their own. We've dubbed this adventure "Project Kasold." As any good, loving family would, we've been lending a hand in anyway we can. Today, as we were painting the living room and listening to Fleetwood Mac, we struck up an interesting conversation. We decided that there are at least three things that you will never see any given person without. Everyone has three things, if not more. It was kinda cool to see what other people notice about you, that you may not even realize. My family concluded that they never see me without lip stuff, a hair tie, and my cell phone. I guess that makes me a pretty boring girl with overly moisturized lips, long hair, and a need to constantly be connected to people. Hmmm...

What are your three things?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah they're so right! I've never seen you without your beeswax chapstick! Isn't that weird? I love you girl!

8/21/2005 12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three things huh...well, for anyone that knows me well this won't come as a suprise.....like my wonderful sister I always have to have my "lip stuff"!!!! 1st choice would be Bert's Bees. As well as a glass of water and a hair tie. Don't ask me why people....that is just the way it is!

8/21/2005 8:30 PM  
Blogger amy said...

Hmm...well, it would have to depend. I usually have chap-stick, but sometimes I actually don't. I do, however, almost constantly have one or more bobby-pin. I almost always have my entire purse, which encompasses quite a few things...but if I don't have my purse then chances are I at least have my car keys. Gosh, I'm boring too.

8/22/2005 10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay ithought about now...:) I probably would never be seen without my cell phone, a hair tie, and some gum. (on a good day)
hugs and kisses!

8/23/2005 8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had friends like you do. My three things are: Cell Phone, iPod, and my eye glass cleaner.... I know.. i'm a nerd!

8/23/2005 11:58 AM  

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