

Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying one of the best concerts that I have ever been to, and let me just say that...


Those boys know how to put on a show. The music was amazing, the video work was oh-so good, there was a big moon overhead, and the weather was perfect.

By far, the best part of the show was when they sang "Til Kingdom Come," which is my favorite song on X&Y (it's the hidden track). But it got even better when they announced that they wrote this song for none other than Johnny Cash and then proceeded to play "Ring of Fire." Stephanie and I just about peed on the lawn of Sandstone, we were so excited.

You can't get much better than Johnny Cash and Coldplay...mixed together. Too cool.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't beleive you were there! Cassie and I were totally there in the lawn as well! I wish we would've known! I miss you like cwazy! Have you finished captivating yet?

9/23/2005 1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KATIE! okay so here's my comment :o) yeah so the royals suck, but it was fun yeah! you rock lady! Luv ya!

9/25/2005 8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, so i totally hate technology... but anyway... i got so excited when that song came on... as you probably remember that was my fave song as well. ah... amazing. sorry i didnt get to meet up with you, you understand... lost phones suck. well, i hope to see your pretty face soon. goodnight, goodnight.

9/27/2005 9:30 PM  

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