
sunshine, limes, & art

Today my sister and I went down to Art in the Park to peruse the local artists and their creations. It was tons o' fun! There was alot of great art to be seen. We bought some prints from an awesome local photographer that had a booth down there. It inspired me to continue on in my goal to be a "professional" photographer. I really want to just travel around to random places with my camera, having fun and enjoying God's creation. Wouldn't that be the life? wow.

Anyhoo, after walking around the park and smelling funnel cakes for an hour and half, we decided it was pretty much required for us to buy one. So, we did. :o) And, I of course, being addicted to everything lime, had to get a limeade. We sat in the sunshine, got funnel cake powdered sugar all over us and just relaxed. It was great.

You seriously can't go wrong with sunshine, limes, and art. Amazing.


Blogger amy said...

I completely agree. Funnel cake fixes everything.

I need some funnel cake.

5/02/2005 8:46 AM  

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