
3rd Annual All-Nighter

Back in 2003, my buds Josh, Stephanie, David B., and I decided that since we had such busy schedules the only real time we had to hang out was overnight. Our days were full of school, work and life in general...so we figured why not give up sleep for some good ol' quality time with friends. So, the rest is history. Last night we held the 3rd Annual All-Nighter. We loaded up on Dr. Pepper, threw on our pj's and let the fun begin...

Laura, Josh, Steph, and Me

Our night was made complete by:

  • One game of Scene It! (we found out I can't hold a staring contest tie breaker...turns out you can't blink!?!?)
  • 1 rousing game of Catch Phrase--the game that turns violent very quickly
  • 1 fast game of Clue--David apparently has become a detective super-genious.
  • 1 donut run at 2:30am in the Mom Mobile!
  • XBox, wrestling, and flip-flop beatdowns for the boys
  • lots of random conversations made even wierder by the fact that we were all half-coherent due to sleep deprivation.

James, Josh, and David showing their brotherly love.

Our goal was to make it to 7AM without falling asleep, and we all suceeded! We capped off the night, er...morning with pancakes and watching the sunrise, after which most of us promptly fell asleep.

Thanks for the good times friends!

And this picture of Steph & Josh's daughter Aubrey was just too cute not to post. She would have loved to stay up with us, but instead she took a bath and went to bed. Isn't she the cutest!?! I'm a proud honorary Aunt!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so cute!! I loved the all-nighter, but I'm still paying for it with sleep deprivation. I think the donut run was the best- just us girls. We'll definitely do another when the Barnes duo get back! Love you sweetie!

6/19/2005 9:32 PM  

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