

They have arrived: the hot, humid, muggy, & thick Kansas days of summer. The question that always pops up in my head around this time is "remind me why we live here again?" Granted, I've lived here for all 20 years of my life, so I'm pretty used to the fact that during the summer it may be 75 degrees--but it will feel like 95, my hair will be one big fro of frizz, and even the carpet in my house will feel sticky because of the crazy amount of moisture in the air. Anyways, tonite my answer to the question was answered. Thunderstorms. Ok, no, it's not the only reason we live here, but it's a pretty darn good bonus. Tonite proved that to me:

After eating some amazing phad thai at Zen Zero, I had to walk to my car which was about a block and 1/2 down. I didn't want an umbrella, I just wanted to walk in the rain. soak it up. enjoy the drops. i didn't mind that my feet were soaked or my straightened hair was quickly turning to curls. driving home, i realized how cool some music sounds when you listen to it while driving in the rain. the music blends in with the sound of raindrops, and just makes you happy. (try "New Slang" by The Shins or "Begin" by Ben Lee).

when i got home, i stayed out on the porch watching the lightening and listening to the rain. it was the kind of lightening that goes off constantly with barely a break between flashes. it reminded me of how much i really do love thunderstorms. we have the best kind here in Kansas, I'm sure of it.

"some people walk in the rain... others just get wet..." –roger miller


Blogger amy said...

Katie! Great to see you posting. I must say though, that compared to growing up in South Carolina, Kansas is not humid at all. It's so bearable here. I mean, you can walk outside and your glasses won't fog up immediately. BUT...Yes. The thunderstorms. I do believe that Kansas sports the best. And the weather here is one of the BIGGEST reasons I choose to stay. :)

6/06/2005 8:48 AM  
Blogger christina joy said...

I love walking in the rain too! I work on the Plaza and was walking to lunch one day to meet a friend. It was pouring outside. I left my umbrella at home. There's something about letting the rain fall on me that's magical to me. It's cleansing, emotionally and spiritually for me. Right there with ya - love thunderstorms! WOO-HOO!

6/14/2005 4:11 PM  

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