

I can taste it: Freedom. Summer. NO SCHOOL. Yessssssssss

When I was in 4th grade, my friends and I thought it would be cool to run out the door after the bell rang on the last day and throw all our papers in the air and jump off the steps, like they do in the movies. We planned it all out during recess, we were stoked. Then, when we actually did it, it sucked. It didn't feel like it looked in the movies! Must of been the fact that we were missing out on a wind machine and some cheesy excitement-building music. Bummer.

Anyhoo, a week from tomorrow I will be a free woman. No more assignments or driving 40 minutes in rush hour traffic to get to school. Ahhhhhh. I'm excited. Here's what I wanna do this summer:

  • go camping...alot
  • be outside
  • go to the gym
  • read a lot of books
  • finish my daily Bible reading plan (the Bible all the way through)
  • drink Limeades (cherry and regular)
  • go on at least one spontaneous crazy road trip
  • buy a digital camera & an iPod
  • get in touch with my inner photographer
  • watch movies
  • spend time with God
  • go to Colorado/New Mexico with my fam
  • go to the drive-in movie theater
  • go to some Royals games
  • look at the stars
  • swim in my pool
  • drink soy mocha frappes from signs of life
  • see Jack Johnson in concert
  • get a bike and ride it!

that's not all...but this is getting long. :o) Have a good summer everybody!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't it feel cool to get a comment? Good job!

5/11/2005 9:22 PM  
Blogger Louise said...

Hvae a spontaenous roadtrip and coming caping in the UK at one of our many (small cos we're england) christian festivals.

(love the new pic!)

5/15/2005 7:50 AM  

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