Cari Jo
Today's the day! The big 2-5 for my sister Cari. Happy Birthday! I love Cari Jo's bday because it falls right before the 4th of July, so it's always an awesome time to be outside, BBQing, setting off fireworks (illegally, if your in Lawrence), and hangin' out with friends and family. I love it. Just about as much as I love my big sis. (awww...)
Cari and I have the greatest time together. Never dull, always goofy, and constantly full of laughs. Growing up, our house was never short of sarcasm, random singing, and just plain craziness. My dad was a DJ in the 70's and early 80's, so we were pretty much raised on rock 'n roll. We see ourselves turning into our father more and more everyday, where life can constantly be related to a song. This scares us.
When we were younger we staged our own cooking shows (as if people needed advice on how to make grilled cheese and birthday cake),
and performed for thousands with our hairbrush microphones. We took millions of tennis lessons, ate way too many peanut butter M&M's, and scared many a driver with our crazy car dancing.
Now, we're all grown up (well, age wise). Cari and her husband, Jeff just closed the deal on their first home together! I'm so excited for them and the family they will soon begin. I can't wait. Then I can be an aunt to more than just cats and dogs.
Happy Birthday Cari! Love you!
Cari and I have the greatest time together. Never dull, always goofy, and constantly full of laughs. Growing up, our house was never short of sarcasm, random singing, and just plain craziness. My dad was a DJ in the 70's and early 80's, so we were pretty much raised on rock 'n roll. We see ourselves turning into our father more and more everyday, where life can constantly be related to a song. This scares us.
When we were younger we staged our own cooking shows (as if people needed advice on how to make grilled cheese and birthday cake),

Now, we're all grown up (well, age wise). Cari and her husband, Jeff just closed the deal on their first home together! I'm so excited for them and the family they will soon begin. I can't wait. Then I can be an aunt to more than just cats and dogs.
Happy Birthday Cari! Love you!
I feel so special to be featured on your BLOG! Even more special to be your sister! I love you so much Kate!
Wow you two are gorgeous! (meant in the most non wrong poss)
I'm still reading from afar kate!
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