
He's a King!

Tonite, I had this conversation with a 4 year-old, John:

John: I went to Vacation Bible School last week!

Me: Really? What did you learn about?

John: Jesus.

Me: Oh yeah? Who's Jesus?

John: He's a King!

Me: A King huh? That's pretty cool. So what does He do?

John: He loves us.

Me: Yes, He does.

John: He used to be here, but then He died.

Me: That's right, He did that to save us.

At that point, John announced that he was thirsty and needed more milk. So, the conversation ended there, and we finished our Mac & Cheese.

Leave it to a 4 year-old to come up with such a simple summary of Jesus in such a perfect way. It reminded me of what's really important in life: Jesus is King, He loves us, and died to save us. Amazing!


Blogger kieran said...

Oh, to be simple again!

6/24/2005 8:03 PM  
Blogger Louise said...

:-D cool

6/25/2005 4:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie, I had a freakin blast hanging out with you Fri. Can't wait to do it again. Maybe we will start earlier next time.

6/26/2005 12:20 PM  

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