
Belated Easter Greetings

Howdy everyone! I wanted to post on Easter, but I was (happily) busy with family and God. It was a great day. The sun finally came out! It was timely that it would come out on Easter...I like to think of it as the Son rising after (more than) three days of cloudy/depressing weather.

The sunshine was enough to put me in a good mood, but the day was filled with many more good things. I attended Easter service at the church in Topeka that I was baptized in. It had been awhile since I worshiped there, and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. The stained glass windows, vaulted ceiling, and creaky pews all felt so bright and welcoming Easter Sunday. The whole church felt so alive and filled with the Holy Spirit. Since I attend a contemporary service at my current church, I haven't had the chance to sing real, old-school hymns in a long while. There is something about old hymns, especially those that we sing at Easter, that really lift you up.

Anyways, I could go on and on...but to sum it up, it was an amazing Easter. It worked out perfectly that Thursday thru Sunday my daily Bible reading plan that I'm working on matched up exactly with the Easter happenings. It made the cross and all it's Glory even more real to me.

I know it's a little late, but there is a really cool website that I would like to pass on. It's a presentation put together by Max Lucado (he rocks) that really explains the Cross and shows why Easter is so important to us. I think it's a cool little video. Check it out at: http://www.hechosethenails.net

I hope you all had a great Easter!


Today's Amazingness

Today was good.

  • I made a sweet print in Photography class.
  • Skipped Geography and ate some (mediocre) Chinese food with my amazing boyfriend (which made the food taste even better, by the way.).
  • Drank a Pineapple Delight + Guava + Honey smoothie at Juice Stop.
  • Attended a very inspiring Maundy Thursday church service where I soaked myself in the presence of God and the amazing story of His last hours leading up the Cross.
  • Came home and discussed how cool God is with my parents.
  • Went to Signs of Life, sipped on a Hazelnut Mocha, read my Bible, and talked with Kieran (who, in case you didn't catch this earlier, is amazing.).

Seriously, what could have made this day better!?

I'm happy,

head over heels in love,

and completely in awe of God.

I'm going to sleep a happy woman. Sweet dreams.


Let it Go

"Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal." --John 12:24-25
I'm done holding on to my life. I can't (and shouldn't be) in control of it, so why do I bother to try? I gave up my life to my Lord Jesus Christ a long time ago. Now, I need to truly give it, all the way. Hand it over, sign on the dotted line, "here's the keys Lord, I'm all yours!" Isn't this an amazing thought: God, the Creator of our universe, the Painter of our skies, the Potter of our landscapes, in control of me. Who better to have in control?!?! God is the Ultimate, the Almighty, the One. Honestly, who else would I want leading my life than the One who knows the perfect way.
The above verse from the book of John really struck a chord with me as I read it earlier this week. It reinforced what I really need to be doing: Letting go and letting God. This will take much time and prayer...but it's something that's definetly worth working on.
Thank you Lord, I can't wait to see what You have in store for me.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I really like St. Paddy's Day, I think it's fun to see everyone wearing green and being goofy with all their shamrock and leprachaun accessories. When I was little it was a tradition every year on St. Patrick's Day to celebrate in a lot of little ways with my family. We would eat corn beef & cabbage for dinner, dad would dye his beer green, and my sister and I would dye our milk green. Then we would listen to Paul McCartney's song "Mul of Kintyre," holding our green drinks high while dad impersonated an Irish accent (If you know my dad, you can totally picture this) These are the kind of things that will always stick in my memory about this holiday.

Now, I have new memories to add. This week I found out the truth about St. Patrick from "bishop" Brandon at Encounter. St. Patrick was actually a Christian who God used to spread the Good News across Ireland. He has an amazing story of faith! I had no idea. So, this St. Patrick's day I had more to think about then just wearing green, this holiday actually has real meaning! Who knew...

Anyway, here is one of my favorite Irish blessings to share with everyone on St. Paddy's Day:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.


Life in General

God has really put me on the lesson train lately. It seems like everyday I'm being taught something, and then reminded again and again of that lesson. It's as if God's saying: "Hey Kate! Stop doing that, we talked about this, remember?!" I've been so frustrated with these daily lessons, but really they are a good thing. How can I grow and learn in the image of Christ if He doesn't teach me? This learning process and the mistakes I make are pivotal in conforming my image to His. This after all is my ultimate goal: To take up my cross and follow Him. This involves living my life in a way that reflects his nature.

Thank goodness I have the best guy God ever placed on this planet, to help me out. Seriously, I couldn't do it without him. It's so awesome having a partner in life that is so on fire and in love with God, just as much as I am. Sharing that with him has proven to be one of the brightest spots in my life. God has revealed so much to me through our relationship, and shown me an enourmous amount of love through Kieran. I am so blessed by having him in my life! Everyday is something new exciting, it's never boring for us. We are constantly having a good time, and I love that about us, even if we're just eating at Arby's or watching crappy reality TV. Your the best Kie! I love you.