gimme a break
I guess it's kind of expected for the posts here to be few and far between. That's okay.
It seems to me that when life is crazy for one, it's crazy for all. My little chunk of the world seems to be dealing with a whole lotta crazy lately. Everyone I know has something big going on in life, including my self. I'm losing my job, losing friends, losing my mind some days, and in some senses-losing touch with what's important. It's one of those things where you get so busy with the meaningless and petty things of life that you forget to focus on those things that do mean something. You lose touch with that which brings you peace and understanding. So instead, you stand surrounded by a mess wondering how you got there, how you got buried so deep-so fast, and how the heck are you going to climb out?! I forgot that it's as simple as a prayer or taking a breath. So. I've made the decision to take a sabbatical of sorts. Take some time to breath, to pray, to just be. I want to be with friends & family, be with God, and soak up the fact that Fall is almost upon us. Life at 21 can be crazy, but in the midst of it all, I realize how thankful I am. For a God who has a plan. For a life that was meant to be lived.
It seems to me that when life is crazy for one, it's crazy for all. My little chunk of the world seems to be dealing with a whole lotta crazy lately. Everyone I know has something big going on in life, including my self. I'm losing my job, losing friends, losing my mind some days, and in some senses-losing touch with what's important. It's one of those things where you get so busy with the meaningless and petty things of life that you forget to focus on those things that do mean something. You lose touch with that which brings you peace and understanding. So instead, you stand surrounded by a mess wondering how you got there, how you got buried so deep-so fast, and how the heck are you going to climb out?! I forgot that it's as simple as a prayer or taking a breath. So. I've made the decision to take a sabbatical of sorts. Take some time to breath, to pray, to just be. I want to be with friends & family, be with God, and soak up the fact that Fall is almost upon us. Life at 21 can be crazy, but in the midst of it all, I realize how thankful I am. For a God who has a plan. For a life that was meant to be lived.