thanksgiving in july
having a smoothie brought to me at work as a surprise, friends who tell me what I need to hear...not what I want to hear (thanks Laura S., Justin, & David), finding a parking spot downtown during the sidewalk sale, air conditioning, having a pool in the backyard, coming back from vacation with a tan, cassie featuring me on her blog, limeades from Sonic, uh...limes in general, Sweet Pea lotion, Jack Johnson, flip flops, two Billions shows in one upcoming weekend, blue jeans, unexpected dinner invitations from my brother, opening my Bible to the exact verse that I needed to read, finding comfort in Jesus, mini Rolos, and bandana bracelets that remind me to pray.
...some of the things I was thankful for today.
...some of the things I was thankful for today.
"Give thanks to GOD. He is good
and his love never quits." 1 Chronicles 16:34
and his love never quits." 1 Chronicles 16:34
Now that I said I was going to post, I can't organize all my thoughts to fit inside this little white box. Maybe it's the fact that I've spent the last week and a half out adventuring, having fun, and doing things that take little brain power. My head is anything but organized right now. There has been a mass exodus of my trains of thought leaving the station.
My Birks and I sittin' by the campfire.
Vacation was great. Lots of adventures and good times were had. Now, it's back to work, stress, and this crazy life. Blah. As soon as I get it together I will post my pictures and talk about everything I experienced. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't made it down to Signs of Life yet for my good quality coffee fix. That should make everything better. Sorry for the wait.
I'm back...
I have lots to say but first I have to:
I have lots to say but first I have to:
- go through my 500+ pictures
- quench my thirst for Signs of Life coffee.
um, yeah. there isn't much more important than that right now. I'll post soon.
I'm so glad to be home...
Starting Friday I will be embarking on a journey through Colorado, New Mexico, and a teeny bit of Utah. I will be absent from the blogging world for about a week and a half. But, I will be back, of course, with LOTS of photos. My family is joining 65 of our closest relatives in the mountains of Colorado for a big 'ol reunion. We're camping out in the San Juan National Forest, right on the Dolores River. My family has basically rented out the whole area, which is good, considering we are loud and tend to get a little rowdy. We just like to have a good time.
Here's an idea of what I'll be doing:
Here's an idea of what I'll be doing:
- Wishing I had an iPod, while driving through Western Kansas.
- Hiking the rim of the Capulin Volcano in New Mexico.
- Camping out.
- Eating a lot of good food.
- Using up all the memory on my digital camera.
- Hiking to the top of the highest waterfall in Colorado: Bridal Veil Falls.
- Spending some quiet time with God in His beautiful outdoors.
- Playing cards.
- Spending time in one of the coolest towns ever: Telluride, CO.
- Stuffing myself at our traditional family fish fry.
- White Water Rafting on the Animas River.
- Exploring Mesa Verde National Park.
- Taking a day trip on some scenic highways through Southeast Utah.
- and much, much more...
Most of my family is from the South (mainly Louisiana), so I'll most likely come home saying "y'all" and "fittin' to" and with a renewed love for cajun food. Mmmmmmm....
I'm looking forward to getting out of the great indoors for awhile. I'll miss you all, and look forward to telling you about my many adventures. Chao!
The new Coldplay album is freakin' amazing. It's been on constant repeat over the airwaves of my car stereo. Everyone should check it out.
Cari Jo
Today's the day! The big 2-5 for my sister Cari. Happy Birthday! I love Cari Jo's bday because it falls right before the 4th of July, so it's always an awesome time to be outside, BBQing, setting off fireworks (illegally, if your in Lawrence), and hangin' out with friends and family. I love it. Just about as much as I love my big sis. (awww...)
Cari and I have the greatest time together. Never dull, always goofy, and constantly full of laughs. Growing up, our house was never short of sarcasm, random singing, and just plain craziness. My dad was a DJ in the 70's and early 80's, so we were pretty much raised on rock 'n roll. We see ourselves turning into our father more and more everyday, where life can constantly be related to a song. This scares us.
When we were younger we staged our own cooking shows (as if people needed advice on how to make grilled cheese and birthday cake),
and performed for thousands with our hairbrush microphones. We took millions of tennis lessons, ate way too many peanut butter M&M's, and scared many a driver with our crazy car dancing.
Now, we're all grown up (well, age wise). Cari and her husband, Jeff just closed the deal on their first home together! I'm so excited for them and the family they will soon begin. I can't wait. Then I can be an aunt to more than just cats and dogs.
Happy Birthday Cari! Love you!
Cari and I have the greatest time together. Never dull, always goofy, and constantly full of laughs. Growing up, our house was never short of sarcasm, random singing, and just plain craziness. My dad was a DJ in the 70's and early 80's, so we were pretty much raised on rock 'n roll. We see ourselves turning into our father more and more everyday, where life can constantly be related to a song. This scares us.
When we were younger we staged our own cooking shows (as if people needed advice on how to make grilled cheese and birthday cake),

Now, we're all grown up (well, age wise). Cari and her husband, Jeff just closed the deal on their first home together! I'm so excited for them and the family they will soon begin. I can't wait. Then I can be an aunt to more than just cats and dogs.
Happy Birthday Cari! Love you!
one more thing...
So many books, so little time...
Speaking of good books: Last night I started reading Captivating (it's basically the "girl" version of Wild At Heart) with my buds Cassie and Niki. It's been reccomended to me by, well, the whole world...so I figure I better check it out. So far, it's really good.
Speaking of good books: Last night I started reading Captivating (it's basically the "girl" version of Wild At Heart) with my buds Cassie and Niki. It's been reccomended to me by, well, the whole world...so I figure I better check it out. So far, it's really good.
Cassie, Me, & Niki
P.S. I finally got around to making some updates to my photo blog. Check it out and let me know what you think!
good reads
I started reading Blue Like Jazz today. Donald Miller is so real and unashamed! He holds nothing back--just tells it like it is. This is refreshing in a way--for someone, especially an author, to be completely real and honest about something. Christian authors can sometimes get stuck in the rut of acting like everything is perfect and no one has any doubts, fears, or questions, when in actuality, most of us do. That's what's cool about Miller, he admits his struggles, shortcomings, and discontent with the idea of "religion." He works through these things on the pages. Tres cool Miller. I dig.
"...I will reflect upon these early days, these days when it seemed God was down a dirt road, walking toward me. Years ago He was a swinging speck in the distance; now He is close enough I can hear His singing. Soon I will see the lines on His face."
--Don Miller Blue Like Jazz