three things
As we all know, my sister moved into a new house about a month ago. She and Jeff are pretty much doing a total renovation to their house, making it all their own. We've dubbed this adventure "Project Kasold." As any good, loving family would, we've been lending a hand in anyway we can. Today, as we were painting the living room and listening to Fleetwood Mac, we struck up an interesting conversation. We decided that there are at least three things that you will never see any given person without. Everyone has three things, if not more. It was kinda cool to see what other people notice about you, that you may not even realize. My family concluded that they never see me without lip stuff, a hair tie, and my cell phone. I guess that makes me a pretty boring girl with overly moisturized lips, long hair, and a need to constantly be connected to people. Hmmm...
What are your three things?
What are your three things?
I've been reminded alot lately of the fact that I have amazing friends. On this side of life the only constant, steady thing you can find is God, family, and true friends.
Justin, Laura, Me, Collin, and Sam.
This past weekend I was able to reunite with some friends from high school. We call ourselves "the Clarinets," because that's how our friendship began. We all shared a common link in high school, and that was being a part of the clarinet section of the LHS Marching Band. Yes, we were band geeks...and proud of it. Since graduation, the six of us have made a point to keep in contact and get together at least once a year, no matter where we may be living. We still carry out the traditions we practiced back in high school, and this weekend was no exception. We met at Perkins for dinner, played a rousing game of "no rules" pool basketball, (I'm still sore and discovering new bruises, guys), and of course drank lots of Capri Sun & Dr. Pepper and played a game of Spoons. It's crazy to see us all growing up and fitting into our "adult" lives. We've gone from high school drama to plans for engagements, graduation from college, and getting real jobs. Wow, how times have changed. Laura, Sam, Collin, Justin, and Mitzi: (even though you bailed out on us this time!) I love you guys! Thanks for all the good times.8.11.2005
Click for the slideshow.
I said I was going to post some scenic photos from my Colorado trip a long time ago. Since I haven't been able to put coherant words together in order to make a real post, I'm just gonna let you guys watch another slide show. To me, these photos capture just a hint of the fact that we live in a world created by one awesome Artist. He never ceases to amaze me.
new arrival
The newest addition to my family....
This is Royce! My new nephew. Cari and Jeff brought him home from the Humane Society today. He fits right in with the fam. We are going to spoil him like crazy--and he will deserve every minute of it. I mean, look at that face!! He's a fun little puppy who likes to chew on flip-flops, put his front paws in his water bowl (and then walk all over you), and smell Aunt Katie's camera.

20 Q
I took a mini road trip to Salina this past weekend. My friends Dave and Laura have been summer missionaries (or "summies" as the campers call them) at a church camp there the whole summer. Lawrence has been extremely boring without them. Thank goodness, they are due to arrive back here in these parts on Friday. Yessssssss.
While in Salina, Dave, James, Laura, and I played a game called "20 Q." It's the singlemost freakiest game I have every played. It's based on the simple game of 20 questions. You think of something, then this little computer thing-a-ma-jigger comes up with questions to ask you. Questions like "Does it weigh more than a pound of butter?" or "Does it bring joy to people's lives?" You reply by hitting yes, no, unknown, or sometimes. By the end of the 20 questions this thing guesses what you are thinking. Let me tell ya, it is correct about 7/8 times out of 10. You can be thinking of an extension cord, a siberian tiger, or underwear and it will know.
Laura and I discovered this game a few months back, and were forced to sit right down on the Target floor and play until we stumped it. It's possible to do so, just not very often. We bought the game while in Salina and spent a good part of the day in awe of it's freakiness. We decided it pretty much has to be possessed by Satan. There is no other explanation. If you're bored, it's worth the $10 at Wal-Mart.
While in Salina, Dave, James, Laura, and I played a game called "20 Q." It's the singlemost freakiest game I have every played. It's based on the simple game of 20 questions. You think of something, then this little computer thing-a-ma-jigger comes up with questions to ask you. Questions like "Does it weigh more than a pound of butter?" or "Does it bring joy to people's lives?" You reply by hitting yes, no, unknown, or sometimes. By the end of the 20 questions this thing guesses what you are thinking. Let me tell ya, it is correct about 7/8 times out of 10. You can be thinking of an extension cord, a siberian tiger, or underwear and it will know.
Laura and I discovered this game a few months back, and were forced to sit right down on the Target floor and play until we stumped it. It's possible to do so, just not very often. We bought the game while in Salina and spent a good part of the day in awe of it's freakiness. We decided it pretty much has to be possessed by Satan. There is no other explanation. If you're bored, it's worth the $10 at Wal-Mart.