

This weekend I helped my friends Josh and Stephanie move out of their home in Lawrence. They are official Oklahomans now. We have been praying for months that a buyer would come along for their house here, and God provided one. It was in His perfect timing, but it still felt too soon. Too soon for them to really be gone. They have been living in Tulsa for a few months now, but I suppose it never felt permanent until now. Man, I hate saying goodbye. But, I know that our friendship can last across a few miles, and God's calling for them to raise their family in the next state to the south is in His perfect will. Their faith and obedience will never cease to amaze me. So, for now I'll be a long distance friend and aunt (of the "honorary" variety) to their daughters Aubrey and brand new Alexis (welcome to the world, little one!). They are still working hard at getting me to move down there. After how sad I was this weekend, I might just consider it... I mean, who wouldn't miss this face?


This weekend served as a reminder of the amazing friends I have, and how great it is that we are all there for each other. It's amazing how moving can do that for you--people tend to just come out of the woodwork at moments like that. I'm thankful I have been blessed with a group of people (not all present in this photo) that constantly lift me up and make me laugh.

moving day

So Steph, here's to memories of Snickers Ice Cream Bars, birthday cakes in the cafeteria, lemon pepper chicken, Coldplay, all-nighters, bridesmaids, house-sitting, church, caramel frappes, the mom-mobile, sneaking out (with the crazy German kid!), and Dr. Pepper. Thanks for teaching me so much, praying for me, and writing me excuse notes in high school when we'd come back late from lunch. I was always glad to do "interviews for the Budget." Love and miss you.


strong bad's "dreamail"


a bad case of the tuesdays

Today I got one of those much needed slaps in the face from God. (Okay, so God probably wouldn't slap me in the face, but it's a good metaphor.)

I went through the day in a horrible mood. I trudged through a morning and afternoon full of work, a presentation at school, house cleaning, and other well-doesn't-that-just-top-off-the-day type stuff. Not to mention, my body is still recovering from it's oh so fun encounter with the stomach flu. By 6:00, my whole everything was frowning. Ugh was definitely the word I was conveying. I realized that tonite was the time my Tuesday night Bible study would be meeting at my house--and honestly the last thing I wanted to do was be friendly and study. But, I had no choice.

Then, it happened. Let me tell ya, when you walk into your living room and ten of your friends are singing "Blessed be Your Name" along with an acoustic guitar, the ice around your heart melts and God steps in. This is peace.

I settled onto the couch with a cup of coffee and ended up having a great night of discussion and prayer with my group. I was completely reminded of what an awesome church family I have, and how much support they have given my family during some rough times the past month. I realized I need to spend less of my time focusing on the things that put me in a bad mood, and instead remember the things that bring me back to peace, to God, and to a life that isn't ruled by inconsiderate people or the work and school that keeps me away from time with Him. It's so easy to forget that He was there, all day, watching as my heart turned into an igloo. Block by block of negative feelings and distrust in His sovereignty. Regardless, He was there. Sometimes ya just need a slap in the face to remind you.

And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in Him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. --Ephesians 3:17


kickin' it

I just felt my baby nephew kicking inside my sister's belly for the first time. woah. he was grooving to the coffeehouse station. we're starting him young on good music.

that's one more reason why it's cool to work with your sister and watch her on this journey towards motherhood.


mute math

On Thursday night, Caley and I went to the Mute Math show at the Bottleneck. We waited out in the cold for an hour, only for the under 21 crowd to get in first. This was my first show as an elite member of the 21 and over group, and what happens? The youngin's get let in first. Go figure. Regardless, it was well worth the wait. Mute Math put on an amazing show. I'm glad to see Christian music seeping into other genres and being put together so well in the process. These guys are going to make an impact in both the Christian and secular music fields. They get their influence from people like U2 and The Police. Super cool, if you ask me.

One guy in the front row was so excited about the show he was sure Jesus was coming back that night, and he let everyone in the place know it. I'm not sure it was that good, but that's a hard level to beat.

P.S. Check out some pics from the show on Caley's blog.


blogger birthday

The month of February marks for me one year of blogging. It's crazy to look to the beginning through now and see how much has changed as well as how much has stayed the same. The cool experiences I've shared with friends, the lessons I've learned (and am still learning), books I've read, and pictures I've taken.

Interesting how some things tend to repeat themselves. Good things and bad. But, in the end that's what shapes us into who we are and what life is.

Happy blogger birthday to me! Thanks for reading!